Singing Guide: Ziegfeld Follies of 1911

Singing Guide: Ziegfeld Follies of 1911

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to sing like the stars of the Ziegfeld Follies of 1911

You're in for a treat. The Follies of 1911 was a musical revue that quickly became the talk of the town. The cast included some of the most popular performers of the time, including Eddie Foy Sr., Anna Held, and Bert Williams.

One of the unique features of the Follies was the elaborate costumes and sets. The performers were clad in stunning, glittering outfits, dripping with rhinestones, and each song was paired with an elaborate scene. It was a true spectacle, designed to captivate audiences.

But it wasn't just the visuals that made the Follies so popular, it was the quality of the singing. Here are some tips on how to learn to sing like the stars of the Ziegfeld Follies of 1911:

  1. Improve your vocal range: To replicate the stars of the Follies, it's essential to master your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that can help you determine your range and help you compare it to the range of famous singers. Make sure you practice singing in your range to improve your pitch accuracy.
  2. Use your chest voice: You may have noticed that most of the songs in the Follies were sung in a lower range. To replicate this sound, it's essential to use your chest voice. Chest voice is the lowest range of your voice, and it's more resonant than other vocal registers. Singing Carrots offers an article on how to use your chest voice effectively.
  3. Breathe correctly: Proper breathing is crucial to sing like the stars of the Follies. Singing Carrots offers breathing exercises that you can practice to improve your breath support. You should always breathe using your diaphragm and avoid shallow breathing.
  4. Master your articulation: The stars of the Follies had excellent articulation. They were able to project their words and convey the lyrics with great clarity. Singing Carrots offers an article on articulation that can help you improve your pronunciation.
  5. Pay attention to your posture: Good posture is essential to sing like the stars of the Follies. It allows you to breathe correctly and project your voice. Singing Carrots offers an article on how posture affects your singing.

To get started singing like the stars of the Ziegfeld Follies of 1911, you can use Singing Carrots' resources such as a vocal range test, breathing exercises, chest voice article, articulation article, and good posture article. With some practice and determination, you can learn to sing like the stars of the Follies and wow audiences with your singing talents.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.